Our Practices...
are rooted in methodologies that support, growth, connection, authenticity and a consciousness in evolution. We believe that leadership, when anchored in these things, is naturally inclusive, better informed, and more productive. These qualities move us from being leaders to being wise leaders. We have a need for wise leadership today.
Practices include but are not limited to:
Being The Circle Way - Circle is a primary form for turning to one another, for restoring listening, for reclaiming the importance of witnessing each other. It is a primary form for animating imagination, kindness and intelligence together to reveal belonging. We bring together various circle traditions including, indigenous wisdom from Native American and African traditions, and circle practices from The Circle Way.
Story - In re-authoring our stories we get a chance to re-member what has been forgotten, re-store what has been lost, re-connect what has been broken, and re-convey what is true, and then step more fully into who we were always meant to be. When we can share our stories (have someone hear our stories in the way our hearts felt them) and not just tell our stories (details of what happen) there is a connection with head and heart that is transformative for all involved.
Art of Hosting (Methods and Orientations for Community Engagement) - The Art of hosting helps us to build essential facilitation skills for organizational learning and community engagement. A great blend of art and science the Art of Hosting allows us to root the journey in methodologies that support learning and growth while surrendering to the art of emergence.
Life Coaching - When we are being coached we are paying close attention to what is happening around us and can be more intentional in our choices which help us to own our own power. Coaching grows perspective. Greater perspective means greater choice. Greater choice means more personal power.
Presentations of Learnings - Presentations of Learnings invite space for us to be reflective and learn from our past experiences. It moves our focus from what we did to what we learned to support us in the return to community that is initation