Years ago when I was in search of a new name for my new business I came across a statue titled NZUZU (WATER SPIRIT) by Nicholas Mukomberanwa 1940 - 2003 Buhera district, Zimbabwe while walking through the Atlanta Airport. At this time I was aware that according to the Dagara Wheel was a part of the water spirit clan. I went home and did a search where found a version of the story of Nzuzu.
Nzuzu the Mermaid
In this story Nzuzu is a Zimbabwe water spirit, she is a mermaid. The story says that there are times when someone is walking near or wading in a body of water and Nzuzu pulls them in, they think because she is so beautiful that she is going to be nice but she isn't. t least not at first. n the beginning she make you eat things like worms, and dirt, and fish heads. But if you are obedient and do as she asks after a while she gives you access to the delicacies of life. You get honey and rice. And after a while longer she gives you a mat to float up to the surface and a basket of gifts to do your own healing work in the world.
This is the story of Nzuzu. The worm, dirt, and fish heads are all the wound stuff that we have to deal with this lifetime. And if we are obedient and do our healing work we get access to the sweetness of life. And then after while we get to use the wisdom we have learned in doing our own healing work in the world.
At Nzuzu we are reclaiming our humanity and growing the Soul of Self, Community, and Business.
Our Vision: Nzuzu envisions a world community where healing happens when needed and everyone’s unique genius is honored.
Our Mission: Nzuzu inspires people to embrace and heal all of who they are; through self-awareness and self acceptance, in the intention to build stronger communities around the world.