My birthday is on May 11th. Last year I set off on a journey to connect with important people and places in my life. I also made a pledge to myself. It was what I was saying yes to now. Today I decided to pull it out of the box on my altar to bring what has fallen into the background into the foreground. Here it is:
I say YES
I say YES
To embodied knowing that the medicine is out to gift me not to get me
I say YES
And surrender the anger that I have carried about what I think the medicine has cost me
Acknowledging that cost and detriment are not the same
I say YES
And open to living and knowing that the medicine isn't designed to separate me from my beloveds but to move us closer
I say YES
To walking the line of love and abundance that shifts the spaces in me where I either harden my heart to others or abandon myself, to a place where I honor myself , the divine order of things, and my connection to the whole
I say YES
To the ways that Oya moves through my life teaching me in every moment about death and rebirth
I am Wind Warrior
I am the promise of forgiveness and reconciliation in the world
And all of me says YES
The only thing that I would add after reading this now is that I say YES to love
yes to love. living a year of "yes" ... hmm. I think I am aware of living a year of "fire" and of "free." hmm. fire and free. something brewing there ... thank you for inspiration.