As we step into a new decade I can’t help but reflect on all the places I have gotten to go in a life lived. And I had no way of knowing at the beginning of this journey that so many big changes would come but I am grateful for all of it.
In this decade my mother and both my grandmothers died, I grieved a baby. Got divorced. Was gifted the name Wind Warrior Traveled out of the country to Mexico, Canada, India, and Brazil. Became the mother of teenagers. Sold my house and moved. Had a hysterectomy. Fell in love with myself and another. Entered into a work partnership. Published two books and co-created a set of Circle Way Essence Cards. I got to travel for work and for pleasure all across the U.S. Co-created Fire & Water, a Leadership/Rite of Passage program. And I learned how to love more, grieve deeper, and dream bigger. I’m so grateful.
Who knows what this next decade has to offer? Whatever it is I pray for more faith and surrender to the divine order of things. I pray for more deep, fun, and easy.
I love this and I love you.