We arrive here together in the both/and
Late, present and right on time
We arrive here together in the both/and
Pensive, emotionally tired
aware of readying ourselves for this time
frozen, unwinding and grounded
We arrive here together in the both/and
Fucked and happy
Not wanting to just tell a good story
Feeling the alotness in this moment
even to the point of overwhelmed
and there is still an acceptance and hope
We arrive here together in the both/and
We feel things humming, and moving fast
and at times we feel unprepared
old wounds are coming up wanting to be healed
There is terror in our families
and we are grateful for a deeper understanding
We arrive here together in the both/and
Every emotion is present,
anxiety, excitement, anger, love, grief, too many to name
We are unorganized, grateful, and okay
Working to stay centered
and surrendering to our own Embodied Wisdom
We arrive here together in the both/and
Clear, Grounded and out of touch
It feels crazy and good
We arrive here together in the both/and
Knowing that we have been here before
Sensing the abundance of this moment
We can hold the both/and together
We were born for this time
We are indeed the ones we have been waiting for
A collective poem written by the 4th Cohort of Fire & Water on February 5, 2025
(We are currently excepting applications for the 5th cohort)